Salary Study (Preliminary Findings)


This study examined the salaries of Magistrate and Magistrate equivalent positions in five states, and the Commonwealth of Virginia.  Although salary information was obtained for all six jurisdictions, average salary figures were only obtained from the states of Ohio, Maryland, Texas and the Commonwealth of Virginia.  In addition, the average salary figures obtained were not consistent by year for each state.  This means that the findings of this study will be useful only in making generalized comparisons.  That said, it is hoped that the findings of this study will encourage further research on this important issue. 

Summary of Findings

Of the four jurisdictions where average salary information was obtained, Virginia ranked fourth with an average gross salary in 2012 of $41,040 for Magistrates appointed before 2008, and $44,156 for magistrates appointed after 2008.  Maryland ranked third with an average reported salary of $52,000 in 2013 for the magistrate equivalent position of district court commissioner.  Ohio ranked second with an average reported salary in 2010 of $68,015.  Texas ranked the highest with an average salary of $87,582 in 2013 for the Magistrate equivalent position of Justice of the Peace.   

While average salary information could not be obtained for West Virginia, it should be noted that the average salary for Magistrates in Virginia was well below the possible range of salaries authorized in West Virginia.  In West Virginia, magistrates who serve localities with a population of less than 8,400 are entitled to $51,125 in compensation.  Magistrates who serve in localities with a population above 8,400 are afforded a gross salary of $57,500. 

While average salary information could not be obtained for North Carolina, it should be noted that the average salary for magistrates in Virginia fell within the middle of the range of authorized salaries in North Carolina.  Magistrate salaries in North Carolina range from $33,025 to $55,901.  However, unlike Virginia, North Carolina’s magistrates’ are guaranteed progressively higher salaries via an experience based pay scale.

Comparison of Per Capita Income To Reported Salary

The term “per-capita income” is the average income for an individual residing within a certain geographic area.  According to the United States Census Bureau, Maryland had the highest per-capita income for the six states surveyed with a per-capita income of $36,056 for the period of 2008-2012.  Virginia had the second highest per capita income of $33,326.   Ohio’s per capita income was $25,857.  Texas’s per-capita income was $25,809.  West Virginia’s per capita income was $22,482.  North Carolina’s per-capita income was $25,285. The per capita income for the United States during this same period of time was $28,051. 

In this respect, Magistrate salaries in all of the surveyed states were well above the per-capita income of their respective states and the United States.  However, the reported salaries were significantly higher in some states, while not significantly higher in others.  In Virginia, the average reported income for Magistrates hired after 2008 was 32.4% greater than the state per capita income, and 23.1% greater for Magistrates hired prior to 2008.  In Maryland, the average reported income for Magistrates was 44.2% greater than that state’s per capita income.  In Ohio, the average reported income for Magistrates was 163% higher than that state’s per capita income. In Texas, the average reported salary was 239% greater than that state’s per capita income.  In West Virginia, the average salary for a Magistrate serving less populous localities was 127% greater than that state’s per capita income.  West Virginia Magistrates serving more populous jurisdictions had salaries 155% greater than that state’s per capita income.

Linking Job Responsibility To Salary Information:

It should be noted that Magistrates or their equivalent position in Ohio, West Virginia, and Texas are required to perform more complex tasks than Magistrates in Virginia, and Maryland, most notably the conduct of misdemeanor trials.  That said in other states that more closely approximate the role of Virginia’s Magistrate, most notably the Maryland District Court Commissioners, are earning higher salaries on average.  This is likely because Maryland’s Court Commissioners are eligible to receive regular salary increases or step increases.  Virginia’s Magistrates on the other hand do not receive any regular salary increase from year to year. 

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